Friday, July 23, 2010

Kites at the Coast drawing idea

I love kites!  When we would go to Cannon beach, we would always stop in at the kite shops.  
It is so often gray and cloudy at the coast that the bright rainbow colors provide such a beautiful contrast.
Here is a very easy project that gives students the chance to fill the sky with kites of their own design as well as creating a story about a the people flying the kites.

-blue card stock
-chalk pastels (though other media will work if you don't like the mess)
-paper towel or something for blending
-kite catalog 
-sometimes you might want colored pencil, acrylic paint, or paper for the kites if the pastels can't provide enough detail

Look at the kites or order a free catalog at Into the Wind or another supplier.  This adds so much inspiration that you'll probably think of five better projects by the time your done looking!

1) The students blend clouds, ocean and sand.
2) The students practice "scribble people" or gesture drawings of classmates on a separate piece of paper.
3) I explain that the people on the beach are just scribble people with colors for clothes.  The people are much too far away to worry about details.  The people are layered right on top of the background landscape.
4) Add the kites!

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