Friday, October 15, 2010

How to Paint a Stunning Slot Canyon

Acrylic paint on watercolor paper

by Lily (student)

Start with a big pile of yellow paint.  Add a little of the reddish brown for the first set of cliffs.  Add a little more of the darker color each time you paint the next set of cliffs.  By the end, there won't be any yellow in the mix.  Try to remember to dilute each color and add the reflections as you go.  Otherwise, you have to mix the colors again later (which isn't too bad).

The canyon walls are painted with thick, undiluted paint.  See how the horizontal strokes create the look of layered rock?  The reflection is made by adding a lot of water to the color of the rock and making quick vertical strokes.

The secret to this project is the reflections!  Use a dry brush to streak white paint across the paper like waves.  Make sure to put white any place where the water touches the rocks. 

Now for the fun part.  Add any details you can imagine!

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