Starting June 1st, I'll be teaching Preschool art again at Trinity. It was so much fun last year! Here is the lesson I've been working on this morning. I'll read Playful Little Penguins by Tony Mitton. I'll probably bring in some tool or white sheets for the little ones to imagine snow and ice. It will take quite the imagination in 100 degree weather! I print this sheet off on card stock and cut it out ahead of time. The students glue the pieces and add feet, eyes and a beak. It seems simple, but students have added all kinds of stories and details to their projects. Print out this page and you'll have an instant project. Snow could be made out of many different things. Here I used chalk on blue paper. As a follow up, I may encourage them to draw the penguins from scratch. Moving from step to step like that is good scaffolding.
Thanks, I will tyr this on our children, Nina from Sweden